We get a lot of questions about landscaping. The state, county, and town laws take precedent over anything in the HOA Docs. Hampstead will mow and bill you if your lawn gets over 12″. The same goes for poorly maintained trees. Trees must have a clearance 15′ above the street and sidewalk, so buses can get by, and the sidewalk is fully accessible.
Our developerl’s speciality was planting short-lived invasive species. Check to see what plants you may have that are harming Maryland’s forests here.
As your Bradford pears (that smell like urinals) split and die, you may wonder, what should I plant?! Here are some ideas for you. These are things that will actually survive long-term, and also THRIVE in Maryland. Unlike the stinky Bradford & Callery Pears.
Page updated as of 5/29/23